In Wellness, Writing

Hello there,

I hope this letter finds you safe, dry and most importantly, out of harm’s way.

Over the course of the past few days, it has been devastating, disastrous and as the news has gone so far to say, catastrophic. It has been very surreal for everyone in Houston, as well as those surrounding cities who have been greatly affected by Hurricane Harvey.

Having lived in Texas for decades, and raising my two children here, my heart is breaking for our beautiful state. The pictures and videos I’m seeing all over the news and social media are just unimaginable. At Dr. Shel Wellness & Aesthetic Center, it is our mission to give and serve. Throughout the entire month of September, we are donating a portion of all profits from any local product or service to the local hurricane disaster relief fund. It is my goal to do what I can to help us rebuild our communities and our city so that we may thrive once again and this is the absolute least I can do.

It is also my mission to serve my patients and ensure you are cared for at all times and now more than ever, this stands true. My goal is to provide you with the tools you need to feel healthy, well and balanced, no matter what may be going on around you. My team and I hope to help you work through all of this so that you can come out of this storm feeling healthy, well and balanced once again. Additionally, my hope is to make sure your health is never a financial burden so for the entire month of September, I’m honoring 15% off of any treatment, service, vitamin, supplement or nutrition product and all supplements and skincare items will ship for free. Be sure to use the code “HARVEY” at checkout to receive your discount.This is solely in an effort to help relieve you from any additional financial stress you may be encountering due to this disastrous event and is a small token of what I am able to do for you so that you can continue to put your health first during this emotional time.

Whether it’s a vitamin IV to help boost your energy levels, a bottle of Kavinace to help reduce stress or a simple refill of your prescription…my team and I are here to serve you for whatever you may need.

All this to be said, this has been a very humbling time for the entire state of Texas as we join arms and come together to focus our energy and ensure that every single Texan’s safety is of utmost importance. If you are able to and find it in your heart, I encourage you to volunteer at a local shelter or relief station. There are hundreds of thousands of first responders who need our support. There are millions of Texans who have been displaced from their homes or worse, have lost everything. It doesn’t have to be anything huge; it can be something as simple as dropping off a meal at a local fire station, stopping to give a neighbor a hug or even a thumbs up to complete stranger. If you have any items you’d like to donate, we encourage you to bring them up to our office and we will be happy to deliver them to the local shelters. Basic items such as diapers, towels, non-perishable food items, toilet paper and bottled water are greatly needed.

I personally pray that you are safe, dry and out of harm’s way. If you are a current patient and need refills for existing prescriptions, or have any medical questions, please call us at 281-313-7435 or email us at

My entire team and I are here for you during this very difficult time. We are praying for our entire city and more importantly, praying for you.

Sincerely yours in health & safety,

Dr. Shel

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