In Dr. Shel, Letters from Dr. Shel, Love

My patients, my family and my friends,

I want to start this by thanking each and every one of you from the bottom of my heart for the overwhelming amount of love and support we have received regarding my husband, Ayeez, following his recent diagnosis of ALS. It has taken a great amount of courage to open up about my incredible husband’s current health condition and you all have been so heartwarming and supportive these past few weeks. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for your support and for showing so much grace and love to my family.

While Ayeez has been diagnosed with ALS, I firmly believe this is an illness we will find a cure for and he will overcome. I also strongly believe in the power of prayer and its ability to work miracles. To each of you who have taken a moment to pray for Ayeez, thank you immensely. We are feeling your prayers and they have helped keep our spirits lifted during very challenging moments.

Over the last few months, I have worked day and night to form an alliance of researchers all over the world to help gather information and treatment options available to Ayeez and we will not stop until his illness is reversed. Our research team is working tirelessly for Ayeez and any and everyone who has ever been affected by ALS, or any other neurodegenerative disease such as MS, Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s. We have quickly realized ALS is a severely underfunded illness but we are committed to creating a community to help bring forth as much information as possible to make ALS a treatable and manageable condition.

My family, my staff, my research group and our entire community is committed to finding the answers to restore Ayeez’ health and thousands like him. Our mission is to keep him as happy and comfortable as possible and also keep his spirits lifted at all times.

What I have learned is that ALS is a very mysterious disease that not many people know about so in the coming weeks and months, I will be bringing you along our journey in hopes of educating you on ALS, it’s many signs and symptoms, suspected causes and most importantly treatment options available. I hope you will join me in learning more about ALS as it has many different faces and many different options when it comes to treatment.

I also invite you to join our community “40 Days of Loving Heartfelt Prayers for Ayeez” and would love for you to join us all at 11:11am today (and everyday through May 9) as we pray for my dear husband’s optimal health and wellness.

Again, I want to thank each and every one of you for your overwhelming love pouring out to Ayeez and our family. We are seeing and reading each and every comment, message, email and text that comes in and we feel your immense support. Thank you for keeping our family close to your hearts and in your prayers. Each day brings something new and each day Ayeez’ wonderful smile reminds us all the fighter he is and that he is determined to overcome this.

Please feel free to join our community to help our warrior remain positive and motivated. I invite you to share inspiring stories, inspirational words or a kind message to Ayeez as they are a beacon of light.
Grateful for your support & prayers,

In Health & Happiness,

Dr. Shel

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