In Weight Loss

No matter how thin or fit you are, the thought of gaining excess weight on Thanksgiving is enough to make you want to hide under your bed. And, if you are trying to lose weight and are on a weight loss journey, the thought of one day setting you back a few weeks can also be a bit scary. And although there are tons of foods that you should avoid or only eat small portions of on Thanksgiving, try indulging in the following three foods this year. From turkey to cranberries, this article will discuss some of the foods you can load up on. Read on to learn more.

1. Turkey
Yes, you may want to reach for that delicious, dark meat turkey leg on Thanksgiving, but by switching from dark meat, to light meat, you can cut down on excess fat and calories, and get some extra lean protein into your diet. As long as it’s not slathered in gravy or deep fried in some sort of animal fat, a simple baked turkey breast is extremely good for your health and weight. As a suggestion for seasoning, skip the gravy and just add a bit of salt and pepper, or reach for those cranberries.

2. Cranberries
When we talk about the health benefits of cranberries, unfortunately that sugar-filled, processed canned cranberry sauce doesn’t make the cut. However, if someone in your family brings just warmed up cranberries or homemade cranberry sauce with no added sugar, then consider it your best friend. Pack with antioxidants, cranberries are considered to be one of the healthiest foods out there for your entire body. Plus, they are low in calories and fat!

3. Sweet Potatoes
Yes, it’s true that most Thanksgiving sweet potatoes are mixed with a stick of butter, a cup of brown sugar, and a bag of marshmallows, but if you just opt to have a sweet potato with a little butter and salt by itself, you are getting a ton of vitamins and nutrients that your body needs. But because sweet potatoes are a carbohydrate try not to eat more than one half of one in one sitting if you are trying to lose weight .

Thanksgiving can be an extremely hard and frustrating time for people who are trying to lose weight. However, by indulging in turkey, cranberries, and sweet potatoes, you can continue on your weight-loss journey without having to worry about gaining an extra few pounds. To learn more about weight-loss, contact Dr. Shelena Lalji M.D. today!

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